Historian, ecologist and co-founder of Greenpeace International, Rex Weyler discusses the early days of Greenpeace.
Highlight – Saskatchewan and Alberta become provinces
Back in 1905, Saskatchewan and Alberta officially become provinces.
Highlight - British Troops Prepare to Burn Washington
In 1814 British Troops descend upon Washington DC, prepared to capture the American capital. We spoke with historian and author Mark Zuehlke about the Burning of Washington and the War of 1812.
Highlight – Major Gustave Biéler is Arrested by the Gestapo
We spoke with Major Gustave Biéler's daughter Jacqueline Bieler, on the anniversary of his 1944 arrest while aiding the French Resistance in WWII.
Highlight – Macdonald and The Double Shuffle
Back in 1858 in the Province of Canada, the Cartier/Macdonald ministry pull the "The Double Shuffle", avoiding a by-election and staying in power.
Highlight – The Komagata Maru Leaves Vancouver
On July 23, 1914 a steamship filled with passengers from India, The Komagata Maru, was turned away from Canadian shores. We spoke with Dr. Hugh Johnston on the incident and its legacy.